Monthly HARC Meeting — July 9th, 2024

Join us on the 9th of July for the regular monthly meeting of the Holland Amateur Radio Club!


The meeting will start at 6:30pm, with the  location being the ChickOwa Club, 9279 Ottagan Road.  We’ll have aour regular business meeting, with a bit of extra action — we’ve a nomination for Secretary, a job Rich WA8MTI has been covering in addition to his Treasurer duties. It is important to attend on Tuesday, though — we cannot elect the Secretary unless a quorum of members are present, so please come if you are able, for that reason alone!


We’ll have wrap-ups of the Field Day events, presented by Doug Papay, with a predicted score, and he will be talking about our participation in the AMSAT Field Day as well.

Also scheduled is a presentation. The subject and presenter will be announced.  We have presenters lined up for September and October; I’d love to hear ideas and proposals for the other months!

As usual, Rich will have the coffee and cookies ready for us!!  Join us for the fun!

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